Tomato Garden
Norwich, NY

We are trying four new tomatoes this year from seeds from Seed Savers Exchange.  The  small photos and descriptions are from their catalog.  Seed Savers Exchange is saving the world’s diverse, but endangered, garden heritage for future generations by building a network of people committed to collecting, conserving and sharing heirloom seeds and plants, while educating people about the value of genetic and cultural diversity.

Moonglow Heirloom Tomato
Medium-sized bright orange fruits. Solid orange meat, few seeds and wonderful flavor. One of our favorites since we first grew it in 1996. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant. CERTIFIED ORGANIC

Cherokee Purple Tomato

Introduced to other SSE members by North Carolina member Craig LeHoullier in 1991, seed obtained from J. D. Green. Unique dusty rose color. Flavor rivals Brandywine, extremely sweet. Productive plants produce large crops of 12 oz. fruits. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant.

Brandywine (Sudduth's Strain)
Brandywine Tomato (Sudduth's Strain)

(Sudduth's Strain) Brandywine first appeared in the 1889 catalog of Johnson & Stokes of Philadelphia and by 1902 was also offered by four additional seed companies, but soon disappeared from all commercial catalogs. Our best selling tomato and one of the best tasting tomatoes available to gardeners today. The seed of this strain was obtained by tomato collector Ben Quisenberry of Big Tomato Gardens in 1980 from Dorris Sudduth Hill whose family grew them for 80 years. Large pink beefsteak fruits to 2 pounds. Incredibly rich, delightfully intense tomato flavor. Indeterminate, 90 days from transplant.

Riesentraube Tomato

European heirloom variety grown by Pennsylvania Dutch as early as 1856. Name translates as "giant bunches of grapes." Produces tasty fruits in clusters of 20-40 and each distinctly pointed. To say that this variety is productive is an understatement. Round 1" fruit has a distinct nipple on the blossom end. In the past this variety was used to make tomato wine. Indeterminate, 80 days from transplant.

We will also be growing repeats from last year including

Dorothy's Green

Dorothy's Green really is green!! (August 12, 2007).
Dorothy's Green #5400
(30 seeds) $2.30  Dorothy's Green Heirloom Tomato is really green!
Sliced Dorothy's Green, Heirloom Tomato.  Firm, juicy, slightly sweet. Large, smoothly shaped tomatoes are chartreuse green when fully ripe. Vigorous plants set loads of mostly 1/2 lb. fruit. The excellent flavor is a combination of sweetness and tartness with spicy overtones that tomato connoisseurs have come to praise. Heirloom variety. Indeterminate. 80 days.

Golden Queen

We picked the first Queen today, August 3, 2007.   It is quite sour, which we like.  The texture is the right amount of firm and slippery.    Golden Queen tomato, sliced, picked August 3, 2007
Golden Queen, USDA Strain #5614 (30 seeds) $2.30  
Distinctly different from other Golden Queens commonly sold, this is from a strain obtained from the USDA seed bank, and is the original Golden Queen described by the seedsman Livingston in 1882. Tomatoes are 8 to 12 ozs. and yellow with a pronounced pink blush on the blossom end extending up towards the stem end. What makes this one better than the common solid yellow Golden Queen is its superior flavor. It is delicious, with a full tomato taste that is also sweet and most pleasant. Indeterminate. 75 days.

White Beauty

On August 12, 2007,  the first White Beauty was picked.  It's a lovely yellow color.
White Beauty #5190
(30 seeds) $2.20  White Beauty Heirloom Tomato - a lovely yellow
Creamy white color inside and outside make White Beauty a rarity. Extremely mild and sweet because of a high sugar content. Fruits average 8 ounces and are quite meaty with few seeds. Indeterminate. 85 days.

Dr. Wyche's Yellow

August 12,2007 was the first pick of Dr. Wyche's Yellow

Dr. Wyche's Yellow #5744 (30 seeds) $2.30  
This is undoubtedly one of the best tasting yellow tomatoes to be found, combining luscious sweetness with plenty of tangy tomato flavor. Golden-yellow fruit is beautiful, unblemished and smooth, and varies from 10 ozs. to 1 lb. The shape is that of a typical beefsteak with very meaty interiors. Huge, vigorous plants produce well, but it is the rich, excellent flavor and large fruit size that really set this one apart. Indeterminate. 80 days.

Marianna's Peace
  This was picked July 28, 2007. It weighed 13 1/4 ounces.  Slightly sweet.
Marianna's Peace #3722 (30 seeds) $2.55  Marianna's Peace tomato picked July 28, 2007
This large, potato-leaved dark pink tomato is fast becoming a favorite of gardeners across the country. The large, 1 to 2 pound pink-red beefsteak fruits have luscious, full tomato flavor that features a good balance of acidity and sweetness. Vigorous vines are very productive, which is special for a potato-leaved plant. Indeterminate. 80 days.

 The first one was picked July 27, 2007.  It weighed 13.5 ounces.  It was delicious!!  Very tart and juicy.

2007 First tomato picked - Crnkovic Yugoslavian - July 27...Crnkovic Yugoslavian tomato sliced.  Picked July 27. 2007
Crnkovic Yugoslavian #5592 (30 seeds) $2.15  
Superb, sweet flavor in 1 lb. pink beefsteaks that are capable of becoming huge. This is a prolific bearer with outstandingly good taste. Indeterminate. 80 to 85 days.

San Marzano Redorta

San Marzano Redorta #5808
(30 seeds) $2.35  
Huge plum tomato is an heirloom variety from Tuscany, and named for a mountain in Bergamo. Used for cooking, but flavorful enough to eat fresh

2008 onions

2007 garden links:

Garden - heirloom tomatoes
     Garden in June
We made Dill Pickles
And we picked blueberries and made blueberry buckle and cobbler.

We love the minimalist (NY Times) no-knead bread.

In July the daylilies are blooming

Published 4/1/08

We have been getting around. 2005

You can see those pictures:
We're off to Maine for a week of pictures and lobster!  Day 5
The New York State Fair - lots of chickens and other animals.
A search for Rexford Falls and finding the Sherburne Historic District.
Antique Firetrucks in Liverpool.
Balloons at the Spiedie Fest.
A trip to Utica to see Munson-Williams-Proctor Museum and Fountain Elms
We rented a canoe at Nathaniel Cole Park.

A visit to Hanford Mills and the Lumberjack Show
Hancock Shaker Village.
A trip to Pixley Falls and Delta Lake.
We watched them set up the Big Top at the Circus
We went to the Utica Zoo
Then we went to the Syracuse Zoo
Wickwire House in Cortland
A trip to babysit the grandkids
A visit to Boston to see a Red Sox Game
Drive through Edmeston area to see the animals
Ithaca Herbert F. Johnson museum trip
And there are lots of pictures of our trip out west.

 travel to
Texas Day 1 San Antonio to Pearsall
Texas Day 2 Pearsall to Laredo
Texas Day 3 Laredo to Brownsville
Texas Day 4 South Padre Island

Texas Signs amused us
More signs.

Art Museum at Vassar

Mid Atlantic:  
Longwood Gardens
Longwood Fountains
Longwood Flowers
Winterthur Silver
Winterthur Children's Park

Old Stone Fort, Schoharie, NY
Cherry Valley, New York
CMOG  Corning Museum of Glass -

Hot adventures
from other summers:

Chittenango Falls
Fort Stanwix

Our trip to Baltimore and Washington.
Baltimore people watching
Baltimore Architecture
Baltimore Orioles game
we're off to Washington, DC
Washington flowers are here
American Indian museum
Fireworks on the Fourth of July

Garden - heirloom tomatoes
     Garden in June
We made Dill Pickles
And we picked blueberries and made blueberry buckle and cobbler.

We love the minimalist (NY Times) no-knead bread.

In July the daylilies are blooming

B-Mets game
A strange vine appeared
    It's carrion flower - or Jacob's ladder.
We went to Meredith Dairy Days
Downy Woodpecker feeds its baby.



Other interests: 

House and Garden


No Knead Bread

daffodil 3

Animals hummingbirds  2
robin baby

Gray Fox

Insects  - moth pictures - polyphemus

Hummingbird Moth  1  2

October Snow
Oxford House
Tree Disaster
In Autumn    Before/After Exterior

Stone Quarry Hill Art Park  2

kids on the swing